Friday, July 29, 2011

Claire Culwell: A response

(Beginning of video)

" My name is Claire Culwell. I am 22 years old. I am from Austin, Texas. I'm adopted and I know personally what adoption can do for a child and a family"

My Response:

Pro choice advocates know what adoption can do for a child and family also. That is why they also advocate for adoption to be one of the available options for a pregnancy. They also know what adoption is not for everyone and that abortion can be a vital service for people. I also find it very interesting that so many of these "abortion survivors" were put up for adoption. It shows that adoption isn't the end all solution to the problem of unwanted births and unwanted children.

( When speaking about meeting her birthmother and learning the details of her birth.)

" She told me that she was 13 when she became pregnant with me and her mom took her to an abortion clinic and she didn't know she had choices and so she went thru with the abortion.'

My Response:

It is very sad when a woman cannot decide her reproductive fate whether that is thru forced abortion or forced motherhood. Both are heinous crimes against the dignity of motherhood. I suspect the reason Claire had a good reunion with her mom is because her mom DIDN"T originally want to go thru with it. It is also wonderful that Claire seems to have a good life now.


" A few weeks later she realized her belly was still growing and she went back to the abortion clinic and they told her you're still pregnant. And so by that time she was too far along to have an abortion at that clinic."

My Response:

I hope the clinic was held responsible. If abortions are to be performed, they should be performed correctly. It truly is unusual though for this to happen. I also agree that there should be a cut off point for abortion. I have not formed a solid opinion yet on when that should be and under what circumstances should dictate the gestational period.


" Her mother dropped her off at the adoption agency. When I was born I weighed 3 pounds 8 ounces. My hips were dislocated. My feet were clubbed feet so they were turned in. And I had to be on life support and my parents couldn't pick me up until that two and a half months was over."

My Response:

I am sorry it was such a traumatic birth and am glad that you are doing so well today.


" GOD was faithful because they were praying for that baby while the abortions were trying to take my life"

My Response:

And what good anti choice video wouldn't include a reference to GOD in it. As stated in other blogs, this is largely a religious movement.


" While my birthmother didn't choose to give me life she still decided to give me what I like to call the greatest gift I have ever received and that's the gift of my family."

My Response:

I HATE HATE HATE when anti choicers use the word "choose." They have to know by now what a stupid comment that is to make. I cannot understand why they keep using that term when they don't want choice.

And a quick question young lady. Do you think your grandmother should be in jail for conspiracy to commit murder for sending her daughter to the clinic?

The ending is just some info on abortion statistics in the US.

More to come folks. Stay tuned.

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