Saturday, February 18, 2012

The " I Will" campaign

My name is Leia Peison. I am a 26 year old autistic college student living in America. I have a wonderful family and a good life. I am currently single but would like to marry someday. Although I will get my tubes tied before I marry, I know that there is always a small possibility that it could fail. If it were to ever fail me, I will have an abortion, whether it is legal or not. I have absolutely no desire to have children and am ill equipped. Nor am I willing to place a child in the adoption system where it will grow up without its genetic parents. If a child is ever born to me, it will be born from love knowing I had a choice to have it or not. If you are a woman who has had or WILL have an abortion if you become pregnant, I ask you to join in on this campaign. Anti choice rhetoric has silenced women for too long. We need to let others know that women who have abortions are good women who are making a responsible choice. Thank you for your time.