Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My mom was raped, poor me CONT:


It is stupid for these people to be holding signs that say Person's NOT Property! They are making women into property by making them have babies against their will.

(Rebecca speaking)  " I learned I was concieved out of a burtal rape at knife point by a serial rapist. It was a truly worst case scenario. She was 4 ten weighed 90 pounds. Really petite. I know it was awful."

Don't act like you care that is was awful for her. It isn't as important to you as your existential crisis.

(Rebecca speaking)

" Today she is 100% pro life and very thankful that she wasn't able to legally abort me."

Tell the truth. She wasn't like that at first. It took her years to get to that point. And it is not uncommon for people grow to accept the circumstances in their lives especially if it turns out to have some positives which it did for your mother. She grew to love you. Good for her and good for you. Not always the case. There are PLENTY of cases where forcing a woman to have a baby turned out very badly.

(Rebecca speaking)

" For personhood there are no exceptions. It's not like you this is a person except for those children conceived in rape."

Strawman. No one is saying rape conceived children are not persons.

( Rebecca Kiessling)

" I am tired of mediocrity. GOD is not going to honor mediocrity."

I am tired of mediocrity too. I am really glad you brought up the GOD argument. It just goes to show that your organization is religiuosly affiliated which means it has no place running a secular government.

(Rebecca Speaking)

" I want to have the spirit of Caleb and Joshua and David who are not afraid of these giants in the land."

Oh but you are afraid. So very afraid. Afraid of yourself. Afraid of your own insecurity. You are actually the most fearful person I have ever witnessed.

( Rebecca Kiessling)

" And I want to have my stones and my trusty slingshot and I want to hit them where it counts."

Right back atcha Rebecca.

( Rebecca Speaking)

" And we will bring an end to abortion and the destruction of frozen embryos."

Not gonna happen. HASN'T happened across the world. The only way to truly fight abortion is to fight the circumstances that lead to abortion. Something I have NEVER seen you speak about.

(Rebecca Speaking)

" These people on the other side can be really cruel."

Sorry, you don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to cruelty.

The mother of all existential crisis. WOW

(Rebecca speaking)

" The world is a different place because it was illegal for my birth mother to abort me back then."

What is your point? The world is a different place because alot of people who are born here now are here BECAUSE their mothers had abortions. Quit with the existential crap. The world didn't start spinning once  you were born.

You FAIL!!

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