Thursday, October 20, 2011

Prolife Alabama: you are next

"If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, STI, birth control decision, or thinking about adoption as an option, you need to know all of your options before making any major decisions." 

Agreed. Problem is you don't WANT there to be a decision. Because you don't support reproductive choice. The fact that you mention adoption and NOT abortion or parenting is proof enough that you don't want your reader to consider all the facts. But this is actually a common tactic of anti choice pregnancy centers. They tell women to "think on it" before making a decision until she is too far along to legally make the decision to terminate. And people need to think before they get treated for an sti? What other choice is there but to treat it or let it ravage the body? 

"Abortion is not a procedure most women undergo casually."

True. Although I am shocked to actually see an anti admitting it. And it is the fact that the majority of women DON'T undergo abortion casually that they should have the choice to do it since they have exhausted all other options beforehand. 

"It is something you are driven to in desperation, when the alternatives seem too awful to contemplate."

You just contradicted yourself. If women don't undergo this casually it means they have thought the issue thru and considered all the alternatives, which means they ARE contemplating alternatives. And yes unplanned pregnancy CAN be an awful experience. And no, your paternatlizing statement of women being driven to desperation show that you are just trying to emotionally manipulate the reader into making the choice YOU agree with.

 "Ironically, the very act meant to produce relief, in the long run, often produces its own special brand of agony. If you are suffering from the effects of an abortion, you can Get Help Here." 

I am not going to go too indepth into this one because it has been discredited so many times I frankly get tired of speaking on it. But it is not surprising to me that antis spend sooo much time trying to convince the world that every woman who has an abortion is emotionally scarred for life, as if adoption or parenting don't come with any liabilities. But if you ARE a woman who has had an abortion and you feel as if you have unresolved issues surrounding it, there is a non judgemental hotline you can call at Trained counselors will be with you on the other end. Blessings and good luck.

"Decisions you can live with should be based on facts, not opinions."

Says the person who just stated that abortion is chosen out of desperation and not rational decision making.

"More than 80 teenage girls find out that they are pregnant every HOUR in the US."

Very sad indeed. It should be noted that teen pregnancy rates are HIGHEST in 'anti choice" states.

"Option #1 — Parenting"

And here we go. Let's see what they have to say.

  • "Nearly 80% of teen moms will end up on Welfare.
  • The cost to the American taxpayer for children raised in fatherless homes was $9.1 Billion in 2007.
  • Less than 5% of teen dads stay in contact with their girlfriend/child after the child’s first birthday.
  • 60% of teen moms do not graduate from high school.
  • Of all of the prisoners in any prison in the US, 80% came from fatherless homes.
  • The Father is the #1 influence in a child’s life."
  • So basically they go on a litany of the horrible effects of teen pregnancy. I am curious though as to why they spend so much time on teen pregnancy when the majority of abortions take place in early 20 something women. And considering this is a Christian agency, I find it surprising that they would go on such a spiel about how terrible parenting can be considering how much is preached within christendom about the blessings of parenthood. And how dire is the situation of fatherlessness you preach against going to be if the option of legal abortion is taken away?
    • "There are 1.2 million abortions performed each year in the US.
    • Since 1973, there have been over 50 million abortions.
    • A heart beat can be detected at 18-22 days after conception.
    • Brain waves can be detected at 40 days after conception.
    • All major organs and body parts are present at 8 weeks of development.
    • Fetus—a Latin term for “offspring” or “young”.
    • It does not mean blob of flesh or tissue.
    • 90% of women who see an ultrasound will NOT go through with an abortion.
    • There are 2 basic types of abortions—Surgical and Chemical
    • Life begins at conception."
    • Regarding the brain wave statement, I have heard conflicting details about whether that is true or not. And as for all present organs being complete at 8 weeks, many of the important pathways in the brain that lead to pain response are not present until AT LEAST the third trimester. And with the advent of RU-486, abortions can now take place at around 4 weeks.  And so what if the latin term for fetus means "offspring"? The term zygote means yolked. And I'm pretty sure everyone reading this was aware before hand that the term Fetus didn't mean blob. Stop being pretentious.  And I just LOOOVE how you end your sentence with "life begins at conception" as if conceptual personhood is universally agreed upon. So much for basing decisions on facts and not opinions eh?
      • "Option # 3—Adoption
      • There are 2 million couples waiting to adopt a baby.
      • Less than 1% of unplanned pregnancies end with an adoption plan.
      • If 1 of every 10 women seeking an abortion would choose adoption, then there would be 120,000 children placed with adoptive families. There would NOT be any unwanted children. T
      • here are 3 types of adoptions—Open, Semi-Open, and Confidential
      • In adoption, ALL decisions are made by the birthparents."
      • And here it is. The piece that exposes these people for what they truly are. There intent in running this center has NOTHING to do with helping women make wise decisions for their personal situations. It has EVERYTHING to do with manipulating them into bearing children at all costs to their personal lives and preferably giving the children away to nice Christian couples to be raised in a "proper" environment. I have heard of this phenomenon before. It is called shotgun adoptions. 

  • "Positive Adoption Language

  • Don’t Use—”Real Parents” Instead Use—”Birth or Biological Parents”

  • Don’t Use—”Gave Up or Put Up” Instead Use—”Make an Adoption Plan or Choose Adoption”

  • Don’t Use—”Keeping It” Instead Use—”Parenting

  • Wow. The manipulation in this last part is stunning. You are clearly trying to get women to give children up. This has nothing to do with treating women as people capable of making their own decisions regarding pregnancy.


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