Looks like I got myself a hater folks :) He goes by the name of John Trandem. I am new to the blogpost format and am having difficulty responding in the comments section so until I learn I will just respond in this manner. If you want to know what he said, go to my post of "Why I Respond".
Anyway, onto the subject at hand. First off, sir, you say I am being visceral when you accuse me of having never read the bible because I support legal abortion. Don't accuse me of being arrogant when you are the one making such claims. There are PLENTY of pro choice people of faith. And I still wonder. Why is religion even coming up in this debate? It has ZERO to do with legislative policy. I have seen what religiously motivated political parties do and it isn't pretty. All one needs to do is look to theocratic countries to see the mess it creates. YOU accuse me of not being rational because I don't think religion should be brought up at all in this debate. I am "visceral" in the sense that injustice enrages me especially when it involves oppression against minorities, minorities being defined as any group that is largely marginalized in society EX. women. For far too long religion has been used as a means to "keep women in their place" sort of speak. And what better way to do that than to control her reproductive life. Yes, I am a college student sir. I have taken biology. I have researched this topic in depth and I know the science and arguments behind it. What needs to be acknowledged though is the fact that abortion is a necessary part of human society at this point in our history. Contraceptives are not yet perfect. Until they are and they are available to every man and women that needs them, free of charge, abortion will be needed as a second measure. This is a matter of women being able to control their fertility and thereby her destiny. There is no society that is better off with banning abortion. And ESPECIALLY no society that deems women as equals. Do you honestly think I just came to the decision to be pro choice lightly? That I haven't heard the same rhetoric you spout now a million times over? Trust me I have. I have seen firsthand in other people's lives the good access to legal abortion can and does do. I have no shame in saying that I think society would be better if more people would be responsible with their reproductive lives by using effective birth control and when necessary abortion. I have seen the devastation unplanned and unprepared parenthood wreckes on generations of people. I celebrate the fact that American society at least has progressed beyond the point of making a woman have a child against her will in any context. And the motives I assign to Rebecca are mostly her own admissions. It isn't hard. I have a friend who is a sociology major. She critiqued Rebecca and came up with the same conclusions. Everyone I have shown her videos too so far has done the same. Rebecca knows darn well what she is doing is harmful to countless victims around the world. She does not care because the only thing that matters is her need to feel important is reaffirmed. I will continue to stand up to the likes of you and others who wish to keep women in bondage to misfortunes that befall them. I will work to ensure that women have the ability to plan their families by having access to both birth control AND abortion.
Thanks for the message! I didn't accuse you of being visceral, you said you were visceral. I was only asking how you can be both visceral and rational. Just so we're clear, I don't hate you or anyone who supports abortion. I pray for you to be sure, but certainly don't hate you. As a Christian, I do feel that religion has everything to do with everything, including legislative policy. Morals and values are absolute and set forth by God, they are not subjective. You can disagree, I am only stating this as a Christian who does not make efforts to write my own book of rules. I feel the Bible is a great set of rules, and if we all adhered to it there would be no rape, nor would there be unwanted pregnancy. Unfortunately, we are human, thus fallen, and make bad choices. When we do we should look to God for guidance rather than looking to man. I don't believe that God would ever encourage any woman to destroy one of His very own human creations. It sounds as though you are willing to accept the fact that abortion ends a human life. I suppose the next step is recognizing that all human life has value. I will pray that God will place that truth in your heart. Every woman has the right and ability to control her own reproductive being in that she need not have sex. The problem comes when we take religion out of our sex lives and engage in fornication. Once again, if you reference the bible (as you claim to) you will find that fornication is disallowed by God, and there is a good reason for it! If you want to start a movement to provide contraceptives to women that is absolutely your right. I do not think that would help solve the problem, and while it was not solving the problem tons of STDs and STIs would crop up prompting a need for treatment of those as well. I have personally and repeatedly seen the harm abortion can cause to the women who have them. I would suggest you find out where a group called PALS is speaking next and listen to their testimonies about how their abortions destroyed many years of their lives and caused them permanent psychological damage. As an objective person, I would think you would want to hear their presentation. I have also seen the joy adoptive parents feel when they look at their child, and the joy the birth-mother experiences when she knows that she took a bad situation and made something beautiful out of it. Let's both try to take a positive track here and help women make good choices which they will never regret. Let's help those who can't have children to adopt. That would be far more productive than arguing and posting such nastiness.