Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Anti choice rape apologism


"A very common scenario that is mentioned when I discuss abortion is the issue of rape."

For good reason. It happens to thousands of women a year.

"I hear questions like, “How could you expect a woman to bear the child that was conceived in rape?”

That is a legitimate question. Rape takes away power. By forcing her to have a baby you are victimizing her again.

 "I have found myself in the last few days in a unique position to address this issue."

You just found out you are pregnant thru a rape? I am sorry to hear that.

"I will begin by saying, I hate rape."

You have an odd way of showing it. If you hate rape you hate the fact that it is about control and power over somebody's sexual autonomy which would include reproduction. You would hate that the person now has to deal with peole in YOUR camp who are gonna try to shame her by making her do what THEY think is right.

"I hate how it perverts the beauty of sex as God intended it. I hate how it destroys the lives of women and their loved ones. And I hate that a man would ever sin so boldly against God and against another human being."

You just made your first mistake. You equate rape with ruining the beauty of sex. Rape isn't sex. It has nothing to do with sex. It is violence and control. It is the fact that you can't seperate the two that lets you justify in your head the continued victimization of these women by making them have babies by their attackers. I do give you props for at least acknowleding that rape ruins lives. It can and sometimes does.

"The uncommon scenario that I found myself in recently began months ago as my wife and I began the adoption process for the second time."

Props for adopting. I wish more people would.

"The months of paperwork, phone calls, and plans led me to Ethiopia to attend court for the adoption of two children."

Sounds like a load of work. But i am sure worth it.

"I write this from my hotel in the capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa."

I love to travel. Must be exciting.

"In a completely unexpected turn of events, I found myself sitting in front of the mother of one of the children I was just given custody to in an Ethiopian court."

Am I missing something? What is unexpected if you travelled all the way there to retrieve your children?

"She was young, pretty, kind. I was already in tears just talking to the mother of my baby."

I imagine adopting a baby is alot like that.

"This unexpected conversation took my tears to sobs as I asked about his father. I was told she did not know the father as she had been raped."

Rape is very common in Ethiopia. This is not too surprising.

"Why was I sobbing? You may think because I was not expecting to have a child who had been born as the result of such a terrible thing."

Considering you work to ban abortion in all circumstances, it never occured to you that SOMEBODY would probably have to end up adopting such children? And why the shock? I thought all children are precious.

"Maybe you think it makes him somehow less worthy to be adopted."

You are writing this to your constituents in the anti choice camp. Why would they think that? Unless that is how they secretly feel. You are projecting at best. You are setting up a strawman that says if people support abortion rights for women like his mother we are "anti baby." And I don't think ANY child is unworthy of adoption.

"You would be wrong. It was actually quite the opposite."

Now this is getting interesting.

"Here is a section of my journal that I penned mere minutes after our meeting:"

Oh goodie let's read.

“I asked her about the father and the interpreter told me she did not know who he was, she had been raped. It was quite a blow. A few moments before I knew nothing of my son’s birth. Now I was sitting in front of his mother, a young rape victim…I am so glad we have the opportunity to raise a boy who is one of the neediest. I am so proud of her for doing what was right. I am so sad for her pain. But when she left she seemed happy. Her concern was for her child and now he was being taken care of.”

Doing what is right? What does THAT mean? She did what is right by surviving the rape. THAT is all she needed and needs to be concerned about. And what if she hadn't done what was right? Do you still feel for her pain? Or are you gonna heckle her as a murderer like your constituents often do?

"You see I hate rape, but I do not hate children."

Ladies and gentelmen, our strawman has arrived!! And now I get onto the business of setting it on fire.
NO ONE said anything about hating babies. Abortion is NOT about hating babies.

"And abortion is not killing rape. It does not change what has happened nor bring justice for the woman wronged. "

I'll be right back folks. I have to go to the store real quick to get more lighter fluid. This strawman is bigger than I originally estimated............................................................................................................................................................................ Alright I'm Back.     NO ONE is talking about an abortion time machine. What it DOES do is allow a woman to rightfully regain control of her life and stop the men in society of having total control of the female gender.

"Abortion is murder and murder is hatred, hatred against a baby who was innocent in the matter."

And the woman isn't innocent? What is hatred is to not acknowledge what rape victims need and that is choice. And you are TOTALLY victim blaming my making the woman who aborts out to be some sort of monster. And you spout abortion being the equivalent of murder like it is some sort of settled philosophical matter.

"Spain (the baby)  is not dirty because his mother was raped."

I have a theory that people make statements like this to psyche themselves out of what they are really thinking. Reverse psychology if you will. I HIGHLY suspect you think deep in your subconscious that your son IS dirty. Which is why you spend your life trying to convince yourself and others otherwise by trying to make women like his mother give birth against their will so you can feel more comfortable. And the fact that you have nothing but emotional strawmen to pull, it just solidifies my theory more.

 "He is not less of a human nor created less in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).  "

Not relevant to secular law. But I also agree your son has value.

"He is my son. And I love him. And I want to raise him, no matter how he was conceived."

Then go raise him and stop exploiting him to further oppress women.

"Allow our story to challenge you."

First off, it isn't YOUR story. You weren't the one that was raped. And you arn't the rape born child. You are piggy backing on other people's traumas to further your own propaganda. And let THIS blog challenge YOU to examine your true motives and how your rhetoric harms women like Spain's mom.

 "Spain’s mother had a lot of options."

Really? In Ethiopia? Did you bother to study that society at all before you went there? 60% of girls will be sexually abused at some point. And what does it matter to YOU if she "had alot of options." You don't want her to have options. You want her to have YOUR option, which is to have a kid. And even if she did have alot of options, she made the one she wanted. I applaud her for doing what is right for her particular circumstance.

 " I do not know if a ‘legal, safe abortion’ was one of them."

Precisly my point. The "options" you are referring to in the previous sentence are YOUR options. According to my research, Ethiopia legalized rape abortion in 2006. And thank GOD they did. Literally, thank GOD!!

"But my other son was abandoned by his mother the day after he was born, a similar death sentence."

That is common in countries where abortion is illegal. It is just further proof that antis do not care about the status of women OR children. They know darn well outlawing abortion causes great societal harm. They don't care.

"Instead, she chose to bring this child to term, to take him to an orphanage, and then to walk through the steps to allow us to adopt him."

She chose? You just got done saying you don't know if abortion was even a legal option.

"Then she met with me, she did not have to do that, she chose to. And amidst all of the hardship, she was concerned for the life of her child. And she left happy."

Good for her. Would you like me to introduce you to some women I know who have left an abortion clinic in good spirits? And that to this day are doing great?

"God calls all of us to be like Christ. And Christ ‘made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant…he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death."

Quit shoving JESUS down people's throats. You don't want women to be servants. You want them to be slaves.

"So, yes. I do ask a woman who has been raped to bear the child."

Now I know where Mama Bear Palin must have gotten her " I would counsel them to choose life" spiel from. You wouldn't ASK them to do anything. You would force your will and your wants on her like the rapist did. You would rape her again.

"Not because I long to force my opinion on others."

Bullcrap. And didn't you just get done saying it was GOD's will? Whatever happened to that? Suddenly it is your opinion?

"But instead because killing the child is wrong. It is disobedience to God and it is self-seeking."

No it is self preserving and a natural right of a woman to control her own destiny. And GOD gave us free will. Something rapists don't support and apparently you don't either.

"But oddly enough, this self-seeking action will not bring joy."

Oddly enough? What, like it shouldn't be common knowledge that making a woman have a baby by a rapist would be bad for them? The way you people spout it it should be a glorious occurence. And if it's GOD's will, why would it seem odd for us to follow it? And you are totally full of crap. Numerous organizations have spoken out in favor of rape victims being allowed to abort. Amnesty Interrnational, Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault, Rape Victims Advocates of Chicago Illinois, SAFER ( Students Active for Ending Rape) SLUTWALK and on and on. You know DARN WELL it is all about furthering your agenda at the expense of women. Many famous rape survivors including Marilynn Van Derbur, who actually participated in a survivor led speakout against Ken buck for his no choice stance. So don't give me that crap.

 "Joy comes in obedience, humility, and sacrifice. I have witnessed this first-person in the life of this young mother. And it is this joy I wish for all women."

You wish for a world controlled by men where women have no rights to self determination. Sacrifice requires consent, something rapists AND you don't respect.

"Let us stop assuming that we know what is best for these women and start listening to God."

No you want us to listen to YOUR interpretation of what GOD wants. No one is assuming jackass. People are speaking out because they have seen the harm your backwards laws create.

 "Let us stop thinking that the death of a child could ever correct the evils of another sin."

And may YOU stop thinking that forcing a woman to have a kid under durress will make it justified. Really now. And it isn't just a sin. It's a felony.

"Let us stop saying that nine months is too much to ask."

This statement is the definition of evil. It isn't 9 months!!! Having  a baby lasts forever whether it is given away or not. And those ARNT your 9 months to demand!! And I did say demand not ask!! You arn't asking anyone. Once again because consent isn't in your worldview.

"Let us fix our eyes on Christ who gave for us his life. Let us support women and call them to do what is right. And let us raise these children as our own."

You don't support women. You only support forcing them to do what YOU want! I also find it VERY telling that not ONCE in this post did you say ANYTHING about fighting rape!! I also find it interesting that in the beginning of the post you say rape destroys women's lives but then go on to say "9 months" isn't too much to ask. BLECH!!

You FAIL!!

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