Question: "Are children always a blessing from God?"
Let's keep reading to find out shall we?
Answer: "The Scriptures are very clear that God is present in the creation of every human life. "
Is it not possible that he could be "present" in the sense that he infuses a soul but not that he "pokes" the whole thing into being?
"The fact that God sovereignly superintended David's creation caused him to praise God. David also pointed out the fact that God had the details of his life planned before eternity."
I do wonder though if he would have praised GOD otherwise. Since GOD knows the future, it is not too far fetched that he could see that David would come to be and that he could then make plans for him.
"Of course, this brings up a very good question."
Why? Why does it bring up a good question? If it is truly from GOD, there should be no logical inconsistencies. But let's get on to the question at hand.
"What about those conceived out of rape or illegitimacy?"
HOLD UP! How can children be born illegitimate if GOD planned them? And why exactly do you make a distinction between a rape induced pregnancy and an "illegitimate" one?
"The parent or parents that are responsible for that child may not "feel" as though that child is a blessing from God, but how that child was conceived does not mean that God did not sovereignly superintend its formation in the womb as David speaks of."
I find it totally cringeworthy that you consider a rapist to be a "parent" figure. Only biologically at best. And why are the parents responsible for the child? I thought it was GOD that superimposed it?
And I LOOVE how you put " feels" in parenthesis. Like the thoughts and experiences of the parents should be of no account. And you are a sick freak for thinking GOD uses rape.
"God has a plan and purpose for every person born regardless of how that birth came about. If this were not so then the Scripture would not have said so. In the New Testament, we read that God loves us so much that He sent His Son to die for us (John 3:16). "
Does he have a plan for those that were aborted? And why would he create such a situation?
"It is God's plan and desire that each child be born according to His plan for us and that is through marriage. When that does not happen, it does not exclude the fact of God's love and care for the child."
If it is his plan for each child to be born in matrimony, why does it not happen that way?
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