Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This had to be done


My response to this video

" I was adopted nearly from birth and like many adoptees for years I dreamed of being able to meet my birth mother."

Question: Do you support privacy rights for birthmothers that dont want to be contacted by the children they relinquish? There was a case a few years ago of a woman who was forced to birth a child after rape  ( sound familiar?) who was unwantedly contacted by the child she relinquished. She is actually now in the process of suing the state for reperations in emotional harm. What is your plan to prevent such occurances from happening in your world of forced birth for victims of sex crimes? And what about the men who sire these children? Most rapes are aquintance rapes. It is actually a big issue in many states that men try to get custody or get visitation with the children they impregnanted their victims with due to many of these women choosing to give birth ( a decision i respect them to be able to make). And do you support laws that increase penalties for sex offenders if a pregnancy ensues? Do you think there should be extra compensation for the victims?

" My papers had everything you could think of describing my mother. It even included my half brother and half sister who were 11 and 13 at the time of my birth."

Quick question. Considering your mother went to 2 back alley abortionist who very well could have killed her, your siblings came dangerously close to being orphaned. Is that ok with you? How important do you consider your birth to be? The UN estimates that globally 250,000 children are orphaned yearsly by unsafe and illegal abortion.

" And I was just devastated"
You say that with a smile on your face

" I remember feeling so ugly and so unwanted thinking who could ever love me."
Exactly. This is all about your bruised ego and your need to feel loved and wanted. That is why you project your "story" onto every pregnant woman in the world.

" And of course I thought about the issue of abortion because that's what you always hear about right?"

Always hear about? Where when do you always hear about this? If you are talking about the fact that many people lobby for abortion rights for rape victims or support such efforts is because it is a real issue affecting many people, 13000 yearly in this country in fact. and did you ever consider that there might be a really good reason you "always hear about it?" Like the fact that it is a real need and vital service to these victims? And I find it rather disturbing that the issue of abortion was your FIRST thought on hearing of your conception. Really? You didn't think "omgosh that is horrible, omgosh i wasnt expecting that, omgosh i wonder what exactly happened, omgosh i wonder how my mother is today?" Abortion was THE FIRST THING? It just goes to show how secure you are in yourself that you hear tragic news and IMMEDIATElY your first response is about your own existence and need to feel validated.

" And it was like I could hear the echoes of all those people who would say EXCEPT IN CASES OF RAPE or ESPECIALLY IN CASES OF RAPE"

she says these phrases in exaggerated hyperbolic tones. I HIGHLY doubt the original sayers were speaking in that demeanor. She uses this for effect and to make the opponent seem wrong when in fact she is using childish tactics over a very serious subject.

" And these people were talking about me, about my life. And I felt like I had at least half the world against me."

This quote of hers pretty much sums it up. She has completely put her self worth on the opinions of what others think of her and that is why she does what she does. Not to save the unborn, but to save herself. Save herself from feeling like a loser. It is all about her. No one and nothing else. Half the world against you? I am not against YOU personally. I do not wish you harm or a miserable life. You are doing a great job on your own without my help. You know who REALLY had half the world against her? Your mother, the VICTIM. She was victimized twice, once by your father and again by a sexist male dominated society that saw HER as disposable since she must have brought it on herself and rape after all isnt that big a deal.

" That there are all these people who dont even know me who are standing in judgement of my life."

We stand in judgement of your narcissistic worldview that your birth was inevitable and had to happen no matter the cost to the victim ie; YOUR MOTHER
YOU stand in judgement of women like your mother who are just trying to regain some sense of normalcy and control over their lives after having it brutally ripped from them by monsters. YOU stand in judgement of empathetic people who have seen the pain and hurt rape causes and are willing to be compassionate and sensitive to THEIR needs. Since you were an embryo at the time your mother was going to abort, I wonder exactly how I or anyone else COULD have gotten to know you. Are you accusing us of standing in judgement of you in this context or now that you are born?

" So quick to dismiss it just because of how I was conceived."
JUST because of how I was conceived? JUST?! It wasnt a little "just" lady!!! It was a brutal assault that could have killed your mom!! And quick to dismiss? Right like lawmakers who decide on the legality of abortion are all whimsical fools who dont think things thru or give the complexity of this issue any thought. They just immediately see a rape case and think "worthless". Although I suspect that is how you perceive it. And lots of people havent arrived at the conclusion that rape victims should be able to obtain abortion care on a whim. Considering 1 in 6 American women will be sexually assault and 1 in 5 worlwide, it is an issue that tragically has touched many people. For the women it hasnt personally happened to, the threat is always constant and there. It is a reality people live with so when they form opinions such as this it is often with imput from their real life experiences.

" And now I felt like I was going to have to justify my own existence."
BINGO!!!! DING !!! DING!!! DING!!! We have a winner. You are trying to invalidate your self perceived worthless! That is why you do what you do. Not to save babies. You really want to validate your existence? Work towards ending rape. THAT would really show your commitment to bettering the world.

" I  also wanted to meet my birthmother. To hear that maybe there was some mistake. That this wasnt how I was conceived."

Did it occur to you even ONCE beforehand that maybe she wouldnt want to meet YOU? That meeting you would harm her psychologically? Or are you really that naive?

" I received my birth name which was Judy Ann Miracle so I was a miralce baby."
That statement alone makes me want to barf. There was NOTHING miraculous about your conception or birth. It was all the result of a crazed power hungry man.

" My birthmother filled me in on some pretty horrific details that I was not equipped to hear."
Having watched many of your other videos and having read your posts, I have yet to hear you go into detail about the specifics. I am curious. I can only think of 3 reasons why. One, your birthmother asked you not to which if the case I totally understand and respect you for not saying. Two, you are embarrased by them which is odd considering you make a living off of telling about her rape. Or three to give away the graphicness of it would garner more empathy for your mother's situation, something you desperately try to not do. Also, you werent equipped to hear? You didnt prepare yourself beforehand? You knew she was raped and that from her police report she didnt seem to know the guy well if at all so what made you think it wouldnt be graphic? What do you think rape let alone stranger rape is like?

" Single mom heading to the grocery store at night right down the street from her home."
I want to take a quick minute to point out to anyone reading this that grocery store parking lots ACTUALLY ARE one of the most common if not the most common places for abductions. If you go to the store, please go during daylight hours and bring a friend. She was probably going to the grocery store to get food for her children, because she was responsible for THEIR wellbeing.

" She described in graphic detail to me how he brutally raped her."
Can't imagine. dont want to

" That was so hard to hear. For several reasons."
She then goes on to say the reasons. I find it VERY interesting that the VERY FIRST reasons she states is because SHE felt like garbage. Not that she felt bad for her mother. Not that she wondered how anyone could be so cruel. Not wondering if he was caught. Not anger towards her father. Not wondering if her mother is NOW alright. It's all about HER.

" I felt like garbage. Because of people saying my life was like garbage. That I was disposable."

Would you like a brain for that strawman? I got any extra ticket to OZ i havent cashed in yet. You want to know who REALLY was disposed of? Your mother, the VICTIM. She was victimized by your father and then her needs were once again disposed of because society deemed her to have the ultimate purpose of being a mother and not much else.

" And then I had to realize that my biological father was a really bad man."

I got an extra thessauras I can send to you. The english language is so rich. PLEASE learn some of it! I can think of many more appropriate words than bad to describe the monster you speak of. You call him your biological father. You later say that he isnt your father but GOD is. Please make up your mind.

" to hear that she had been violated like this really pained me."
Just imagine how much it all pained HER. I am also curious. Which violation exactly pained you? The violation of her original rape or the second victimization imposed on her by society when she was forced to have a child by a criminal? Or do you not count the second one as being in violation of her rights?

" She sent me a beautiful letter."
She then goes on to read a letter her birthmom sent her telling her not to feel sad and that she is loved. I am glad her birthmother made it thru her trauma and was able to find goodness in all of it. I am also glad she has grown to love Rebecca and that the two of them have a good relationship. Joann ( her bmom) sounds like an amazing woman. It is worth noting though that even though manytimes we can look back on tragedies that have had positive outcomes in the longrun, it doesnt mean that we necessarily wish those tragedies had ever occured or that if given the chance we wouldnt undo them. We learn to live with what we have and reap joy whenever we can.

" When I met her I asked her about abortion because I still needed to know."

I am really curious as to your motivation for wanting to know. Was it to get arsenal against people who are pro choice? Did you even rehearse in your head how you would handle hearing news you didnt like, if you even could handle it? Once again, did you even FOR ONCE stop and think that asking such a personal and intimate question might end up hurting her? Since you were born in 1969, you knew full well that abortion had not been legal yet. What were you digging at? You would have had to have known that if she did go for an abortion it would have had to have been an illegal one. Were you asking to make her feel guilty? To incriminate her? What exactly?

" She told me that if it had been legal in Michigan, she would have aborted me."

I don't know too many women that would tell children that, but i guess she is one of them.

"She actually did go to 2 back alley abortionists. The first one is the kind you typically hear about as to why it should be safe and legal to abort me"

She puts the phrase safe and legal in airquote, like it is just something we pro choicers added for flavor.  That little phrase is a serious one and carries significant repurcussions. 32,000 women die from unsafe abortion every year and 5 million more are injured. And abort you? You word it to make it sound like people have a vendetta against YOU specifically. And yes, the conditions you state do indeed sound horrific. Your mother could very well have died.

" And those back alley conditions and the fact that it was illegal caused her to back out as it did for most women."

Most women? Do you have a survey from the 60's to back that statement up? And what of the ones who dont and didnt back out? What about them? Do they matter at all in your world view? Your mother was scared. She backed out probably because she had two children already that she knew she had to stick around for. I so admire her courage to get thru all of that. Notice I said she had 2 children to worry about not 3. She owed you NOTHING as an embryo. No more than my mom owed me anything.


  1. Thank you for writing this, and for sharing your spot-on observations. What a selfish bitch this Rebecca person is. She really is the poster child for ignorant anti-choicers...

  2. "You really want to validate your existence? Work towards ending rape. THAT would really show your commitment to bettering the world."

    This. Spot-on.

  3. What a horrible blog post. Where is all this bitterness and rabidity coming from? Why do you feel the need to attack a woman for sharing her story? Advice to author: Before you write your next masterpiece, you should add to your book collection, which includes a 'thessauras' and the bible (still in the plastic), a dixionery. It won't help your sentence structure or phrasing, but spell check is free...use it. P.S. In order to work toward ending rape, one need not stop working toward ending murder.

    1. Rebecca isn't telling " her story." She is capitalizing on her mother's victimization for her own selfish benefit.

  4. Thank you so much for writing this...this woman makes me sick...
