Friday, July 29, 2011

Anti choice Propaganda


Right off at the beginning of this vid, they state a bible verse JER: 5: 1
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you."

The fact that this verse was included pretty much tells you where the rest f this vid is going and that their arguments are weak since they have to evoke religion to make there "secular" points about what they think abortion law should look like.

About thirty seconds in, they have a disclaimer that parental discretion be advised due to the "graphic nature" of the subject matter. I find it very strange that they have a warning label on a video that is supposed to be teaching parents to force their kids to have babies against their will. But that is just one irony in several.

Our first "child of rape" is of course Rebecca Kiessling, the woman I critiqued in the last three posts regarding her narrative. She doesnt say much at first.

The next woman is another woman I know of named Pam Stenzel. A woman who has a similar rheotoric style as Kiessling except that her birthmother willingly and wantingly carried to term. 

After Pam we have a woman named Kristi Hofferber. I have noticed at this point in the video that all three of these women are adoptees. I think that is telling that their birth mothers didnt keep them. Kristi goes on to say that her adoptive parents gave her more information than she ever expected. I am assuming at this point that means she wasnt prepared to hear of her conception. But lets continue the video and find out.

Next up again is Rebecca Kiessling. She spouts the same start she used in my other blog. She got her  non-identifying information that had everything you could imagine about her birth mother but only that her father was "caucasion and of large build." How she kinda freaked since she thought that sounded like a police description. She then goes on to her next point about how she asked if her mom raped. At this point I can somewhat see the devastation in Rebecca's face. It is obvious this reality still very much pains her.

Up next is ANOTHER adoptee named Jim Sable. He states that he got his information about his birthmother and then turned the page to see she stated she had been sexually assaulted. His face in that statement says it all. This is not something he seems to have come to terms with yet. He even states that those words jumped right off the page.

Next up is ANOTHER adoptee, a woman by the name of Laura Tedders. Her demeanor right away strikes me as haughty. She talks about her birthmother who was raped when she came out of a bar. She goes on to say that her birth mother had two daughters already and a third one didn't fit into her lifestyle................ Words almost escape me as how to describe how callous and vicious of a statement that is to describe a pregnant rape victim. Almost. This woman is cruel to say something so horrible about a woman who was violated like that. Lifestyle lady? You think that was her concern? Not the fact that she was now forcibly pregnant by a violent criminal? She goes on to say about her birthmother, " Back then you didn't hear about abortion so she decided she was going to drink her chemical cocktails for nine months."HOLY CRAP. First off, abortion has been around for thousands of years. The first manuscripts date back to China in 3000 BC. And what your mother attempted to do was a lot more serious than a freakin cocktail lady! I also highly highly doubt it was just that she "decided" to. More than likely she panicked and tried whatever she could think of not to have to have a baby. She goes on to list the chemicals her mom ingested. I must say your mom must have absolutely been at the end of her rope, literally, to be willing to drink antifreeze. When stating all of this she shakes her head like she is just so perturbed. When she was born she states that she was born with cancer from all the ingestings of her mother. That is sad. At two days old her mom then dropped her off at her uncles house and he and his wife raised her. I can't help but wonder what her uncle's reaction would have been if her mom had died. Or who would have ended up raising her older sisters. She states that when she was 3 they had to remove her right eye from cancer and that her whole life was mainly spent in the hospital. Her next statements though leave me absolutely stunned. She says of her hospital stays, " it was GOD's plan and I followed it. It never bothered me at all." So it was GOD's plan for your mother not only to be raped but for her to drink a lethal chemical substance? It was GOD's plan for you to be born sick? And what exactly was your choice other than "following" it? You were a child. Its not like you had a choice. And once again, why the religious reference? You can't seek to outlaw abortion because you think GOD caused your birth. It also didnt bother you? You are coming across as very burned. I wonder if it bothered your aunt and uncle.

Next up again is Rebecca Kiessling. She starts up again with her " i contacted my birth mother and we planned to meet up" bit. She starts with telling the story of how her mother sent her a letter telling her how beautiful she was. Her next statement is the jackpot sentence. Rebecca then says, "and that was so affirming. because it means i was wanted." That is the only reason Rebecca does what she does. She wants to feel wanted. She CRAVES attention and affirmation by the world.

Next up is Kristi Hofferber again. She goes on to describe how she found out about her birthmom and that her bio father is also her bio grandad since it was incestuous rape. Her face during this is full of pain. I truly am sorry you had to learn such horrors. I hope you are managing to have a good life despite it.
Our next child is ANOTHER ADOPTEE (imagine that) named Carole Roy. She just briefly says she met her bmom when she was 17. That is when she learned of her conception. Not much else at that point in the video.

Next up is ANOTHER adoptee named Shawn Spry.She goes on to say how she petitioned the courts when she became of age. They couldn't contact her birthmother but they did find her maternal grandmother who was very angry to be found. I can understand why. Chances are she was still hurting over what happened to her daughter and just wanted to try to get hers and her daughter's life back to some kind of normalcy.She then goes on to say her maternal grandmother stated to her "you should have been aborted."  I can't imagine how hard that must have been for her to hear. I mean it when I say I hope shawn has risen above it. And I hope her maternal grandmother and mother have healed as well. I suspect though that this is the reason shawn is so adamantly against abortion rights. Because she personally feels burned and unwanted.

FINALLY! we get to a non adoptee. A man by the name of Tony Kiessling. He describes how his mom told him she was working at a diner and they had regular customers. He was waiting for her mom out in the parking lot and got her into his car where he took her to a park and raped her. How very sad. Tony looks hurt also. I can also understand why.

Back to pam stenzel in the next segment. She tells how in her freshmen year she found out her father was a rapist. Her birthmom was a foster child herself.

Next is Rebecca Kiessling telling how her reunion with her bmom was great but she still needed to know that one question: the abortion one. She then relates how her mom told her how she tried to abort but couldn't. The next sentence is the one that anti choicers such as her spew at me constantly and i CAN'T stand it.she says " my mother didnt choose life for me. she chose abortion. but prolife advocates in michigan chose life for me." you dont believe anyones mom should choose life. you dont believe there should be choice at all. And they didn't choose your life. Your father and a sexist, mysoginistic culture did. She goes on to say, " They made sure abortion was illegal even in cases of rape." They made sure? What like they made sure that everything was perfect and just what needed to be in order for Rebecca to be born? :ike they crossed all their t's and dotted all their I"s? She goes on to say they are her heroes and she owes her life to them. No. you owe your life to the fact that abusive people in positions of power chose to strip your mom of her dignity, your father first when her raped her and the government second when they took away choice from her again.

Back now to Laura Tedders. She starts in by saying that it was devastating for her to learn that she was her mother and that she was a product of rape. She says this with a tone of disgust in her voice. She says she had alot of resentment that she carried around for a long time. Yeah, you seem to still have some. Not just some. Alot in fact. I also can't imagine the resentment your mom must have had.   She keeps going by saying that one day she was in church and the priest said that she would never get to heaven if she still had some resentments, That everyone needed to get closure. So she thought on it. She then decided to contact her birthmother. Ok. did you EVEN STOP ONCE to think your bmom could be hurt by your contacting her? She then tells how she called her mom. Almost immediately after she starts to talk her bmom starts telling her that she hates her and that she's always hated her and that she doesn't like how she has turned out because she is a spoiled rotten brat. Obviously her mom was still in deep, deep pain over her rape and subsequent forced maternity and motherhood. Understandably so. This just points to my argument that forcing rape victims to have babies does incredible damage to people. It isn't always a fairy tale ending. Laura says she was shocked by her moms response. REALLY? A woman that would be willing to drink caustic substances for 9 months sounds like someone that would be kind to you?  But by laura's next response, I have to agree with the mom that Laura is indeed a spoiled rotten brat. Laura then says that she went ahead and talked to her because she wanted closure. YOU wanted closure? YOU wanted closure? How about your mom, the VICTIM? Didn't she deserve closure? She never got it because she was forced to have you. Why didn't you think you could use that call to help HER heal. But that isn't the worst part. What Laura says next had me wanting to throw my laptop across the room. She proceeds to tell her mom ( in a very haughty manner), " I am just calling to say thank you for giving me away. Thank you so much. They saved my life. They saved my one eye. And GOD bless you for it. Thank you." She then hung up.

 I have to take a breather a little bit over that last sentence. I cannot comprehend how much hatred Laura has in her heart. What would possess someone to be so cold to a woman who was violated like that? My GOD laura do you have any appreciation for the fact that your mom's life was ruined? Why didn't you say GOD bless her PERIOD?! She probably could have used some of GOD's blessings right about then. Laura then says she values her life and every day is a good day. She says this all very arrogantly. I am glad laura has a good life and she should value herself and want to take care of herself. No one is asking her not to. What we are saying is your life should not have come at the expense of your mothers. Unfortunately, it did

Next up is a new adoptee named Mark Taylor. He starts by saying he investigated his birth by going to his birthmothers hometown. He found out that there had probably been a rape, more than one. He says this knowledge infuriated him. This is the first time in this entire video any of these children of rape have expressed rage over their mother's plight. I applaud you for that Mr Taylor. You had good reason to be enraged. I am enraged for you and your mother both. Unfortunately, he somewhat diminishes his hero status in his next sentence. He then states, " I then thought, I'm still lucky to be alive because she didn't abort me."  Every person on this planet can say they are lucky to be alive because of innumerable criteria. Yes, Mark absolutely should enjoy his life and wake up everyday with a smile on his face. I hope he does. But to say he is lucky to be alive because his mom didn't abort him is silly. It would not have mattered if she had. And it would have been her choice.

Next is Kristi Hofferber. She says learning about her birth took her awhile to process. I dont doubt that it did. She then goes on to say that ultimately she realized it doesn't matter who her biological father is. GOD is her father. Sorry, but that isn't reason enough to make abortion illegal. You are free to theologically believe that.

Next is Tony Kiessling. He states that he couldn't see possibly how something like that (rape) would fit into GOD's plan for his life. What about your mother's life? Did it fit into hers? So far you have said nothing of your mom except that she was raped. And you can't use religious arguments for secular legislative rulings. He goes on to say he spent five years running from the truth. That is very sad. He also has seemed to internalize the circumstances of his conception with his life. Very sad. He says eventually he came to know of some key passages in scripture that helped him out alot. I agree that scripture can sometimes help. On some of my darkest days it has helped me.

Next up is Carole Roy again. She says that she wasn't in any way traumatized by learning of her conception since she always knew deep down GOD wanted her here. I am glad you weren't traumatized. But i don't believe for a minute GOD sent your dad to rape your mom so you could be here.

Next up again is Pam Stenzel. She goes on to say that she hasn't met her birthmom yet but wants to. I will give you this advice. Consider carefully if that would be good for her. She goes on to say when she does meet her she is gonna wrap her arms around her and tell her that she loves her. Ok, alot of rape victims arn't comfortable with touch so you might want to think about that one carefully. She says she loves her because she first loved her,  loved her enough to give her her life and her adoptive family. Ok, why can't you just love her for being her? Why can't you love her for surviving a horrible nightmare imposed upon her by a predator? Why can't you love her for being your mom? And she gave you life? What if she hadn't? You love her ONLY because she made the choice you agree with? And since you don't think abortion should even be an option, why do you say she loved you enough to have you?  And since you all on this video seem to be on a biblical kick, let me throw a verse at you. While we were YET sinners, CHRIST died for us. So you should love your mom even if she had wanted an abortion.

Shawn Spry is our next runner up. She say that she was taken aback but ultimately it didn't matter because she was chosen by GOD and that everything works out for a purpose. Ok, knowing that everything works out for a purpose doesn't mean we should encourage or condone the events that get us there.

And right back to Laura Tedders. She says every day she wakes up and thanks the LORD for her gift of life. Im just curious. Do you ever pray for your mother if she is still alive? Do you pray for healing for women like her? She goes on to say how great her life is. A husband and 3 grandchildren, and that if she was aborted they wouldn't be here. It's all GOD's plan if you just follow him.

Omgosh!!! Laura what is wrong with you? I think those chemicals may have seeped into your brain. They wouldn't be here? They and everyone else on this planet wouldn't be here if such and such hadn't happened. And no. It isn't GOD's plan for rape to happen to ANYONE. She even freakin says it with a smile on her face!!

At the end it says that all life is valuable and worthy of legal protection, even in cases of rape and incest. That rape victims need real help and not abortion. What rape victims need is for nosy demogoges such as yourself butting out of their lives and letting them make decisions for their own personal healing journey. Yours isn't help. It is coercion at best and assault at worst.

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