(I apologize folks for my last post. I didn't check the spelling very well. This is my repost)
This is my response to this vid. This organization is called Personhood USA. They are testifying at the Louisiana House regarding legislation to outlaw abortion with no exceptions for rape, incest or health. It would also outlaw emergency contraception ( which, I might add, would cut down on the need for abortions, especially in cases of rape).
Ms Kiessling: The "symptoms" of abortion you describe sound manufactured to say the least. But isn't it also possible that all the symptoms you describe a post abortive rape victim to go thru could be because of people in YOUR camp who vilify them for their choice and perpetuate the enormous societal stigma that women who have abortions face? Couldnt it also be that those symptoms could be from the trauma of the rape itself?
"with incest, not only does the rape typically end after she gives birth, but for all the other young women in the household".
Have you ever considered that the perp might stop raping their victims once they give birth because their victims aged out in the first place? Pedophiles by definition go after children and not adolescents. It is also noteworthy that in some instances, the perps go on to abuse the child they fathered with their victim. Or they even go on to abuse other children in the area if they are not already. Also, many victims who reach the point of menarche have become more integrated into the society at large and have more contact and life experience which could create an incentive in them to speak up about the abuse they are suffering since it becomes more difficult for the perp to control them. Considering the birth defects that can result from inbreeding, are you prepared to supply free healthcare to the children born of these forced unions to unwilling mothers? Are you prepared to offer the rape survivors free mental health support?
"if you really care about a rape victim, you would want to protect her from the abortion and NOT THE BABY."
RAPE VICTIM ADVOCACY 101: the number 1 need of survivors of sexual violence is to feel in control of their lives again by being able to make choices about their own bodies and destiny. The ONLY thing a rape victim needs to be protected from is the rapist and the society that makes their victimhood possible and that perpetuates the violent control of their rapist against them. In other words, people in YOUR camp. What else exactly Ms Kiessling would you want to "protect" these women from? A myriad of different actions can hurt these women, from filing a police report to going to the ER. Which events do you think should be outlawed on the basis they might end up being damaging? This rhetoric is also highly insulting since it insinuates that women need to be protected from their own choices. Do you know what is commonly said to victims of rape? That the choices they made before, during and after the rape were the "wrong" ones and that they didnt do enough. You are doing the exact same thing by coming in and saying that any victim who makes the choice to have an abortion isnt doing her best also. And what is with the hyperbolic speech about NOT THE BABY? Your tone there is rather infantile and says to me that your REAL concern is that an embryo not be aborted. If you are really concerned for the needs of rape victims who in your terms are being exploited by the option of a legal abortion, why don't you make it so there is more screening done at abortion clinics so that potential victims are identified more easily? Also, I highly doubt that most women going in for an abortion are doing it because they are "afraid" of their fetus and feel the need to be protected from it. And true, which "baby" exactly are you trying to protect? With your example of incest, the victim could very well be close in age to that of a small child. And even for an adult, isn't that woman somebody's "baby"?
"A baby is not the worst thing that can happen to a rape victim and abortion is."
Who are you again to tell ANY victim of a violent crime what they should consider to be the worst consequence of that crime let alone dictate by law what they should consider to be? And apparently a baby IS the worst thing to happen to at least SOME rape victims or else they wouldnt voluntarily go for an abortion. And seriously? You think an abortion is worse than getting,say, AIDS from a rape, getting stoned for it because you live in a third world country, or getting beaten to a bloody pulp by your rapist and left disabled for life? I will give you one prop. There ARE some types of abortions that could be worse for a rape victim. A forced abortion done against the victims wishes. Or an illegal, unsafe abortion because she didnt have access to a proper medically trained one, which is WHAT YOUR LAWS LEAD TO!! A baby isnt the worst thing that can happen to a rape victim in YOUR opinion because in your mind, the greatest thing to ever happen to your mom or this world is that you were born because your mom was denied a choice.
I plan on doing followups to this Rebecca Kiessling's vids and blogs. She is an outpsoken anti choice activist that I find dangerous and misleading. I will see you all then
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