It is a bad sign when the very TITLE of an article is a strawman. NO ONE SAYS THAT! Pro choice people have adopted children born of rape as well as raised them. It is pro-CHOICE, as in women have a choice to abort or not.
"What is the cry of the pro-abortion Left in regards to abortion?"
More strawmen. It is pro-CHOICE not pro abortion. You refer to us as such in your title. Why the change now? And it is our "cry" for very legitimate reasons. Rape is about power and NOTHING would make a rapist happier than to know he can literally choose any woman he wants for his own personal breeding machine. 32,101 women in America ALONE every year become pregnant through rape. 20% of teen pregnancies are a DIRECT result of rape. Not to mention in 31 states rapists have the SAME PARENTAL RIGHTS as other men to any children they sire.
" No woman should be forced to give birth to a
child she does not want, but even more so if that child is the product
of a rape."
Yep, truth right there folks. Thanks to modern contraception and abortion techniques, we can make sure that children are born only when their parents truly want them. It is called progress.
" Liberal blogs regularly attack any
attempt to restrict abortion, and if you oppose abortion even in the
case of rape, you are some sort of moral monster in their eyes"
We attack such restrictions for good reason. The situations that lead women to abort are too complex for any legislator not personally involved to know what is the right course of action. And yes, opposing abortion in cases of abuse is beyond the pale to most people for reasons that should be obvious. To take away reproductive choice from a person who was ALREADY forced into said situation is exponentially increasing the abuser's control over them.
" If we allow the means of conception to
substantively impact the value of the thing created, then at no time can
the value of the thing change."
It isn't about devaluing anyone based on conception circumstances. It is about recognizing that to give rights at conception is to devalue the BORN.
"I have previously argued that Casey Anthony should be considered a feminist heroine since she essentially had a late-term abortion. In this case I am
referring to the life of Caylee Anthony and her possible conception
through rape."
I know people in your camp LOOOOVE to exploit late term abortions even though over 90% of abortions take place in the first trimester, but the truth is this doesn't even come close! Abortion involves pregnancies. There was NO PREGNANCY INVOLVED in the crime of Caylee's death. And where in the heck do you get off saying that women who abort are automatically heroines? There are plenty of women who have not aborted that are respected within the pro choice community. And her possible conception through rape? So we arn't even sure if that is the truth. And considering how Casey is a chronic liar, I would not be too surprised if she was lying about this.
" Upon conception, there is nothing added or subtracted from the developing baby."
Bullcrap! If that was true it wouldn't take 9 months to come out. And the point is that you can't give human rights to an embryo without stripping the woman of her humanity in the process. Contraceptives fail, rape happens, birth control sabatoge happens. These are realities and abortion is the medical procedure to help minimize the damage done by these tragedies.
"It is a continuous process where a
substance, a person, grows in a non-degreed sense. Meaning that from
conception to death one is fully human at all times."
A continuous process? I thought you said everything was complete from the beginning?
"If we adopt the Left’s view of
personhood, then it can be degreed and the power to decide that is with
the mother or the State."
Or the state? I am not sure why the state would really be involved in the final decision as it rests with the woman.
"Not only that, her mother, Casey, was well
within her rights as the mother to take Caylee's life anytime she saw
More strawmen. NO ONE is advocating infanticide. Ironically, countries that have outlawed abortion have HIGHER rates of infanticide and child abandonement than countries with legal abortion.
"One would also have to tell others who came into existence through rape that their lives were not valuable as a result."
There are pro choice individuals who were born from acts of rape. Next....
"The pro-choice position, which is really a pro-abortion position, requires that infanticide and filicide be accepted."
Sigh. I think I defeated this argument in the above remarks so I will just let this one slide.
"The only way to prevent this slide is to
adopt and argue that personhood is non-degreed and that it fully present
at conception."
Look at countries where abortion is legal. Are they sliding into anarchy? NO they are not. Quite the opposite.
"Otherwise as we have seen in the world’s history, unimaginable evil results."
And we have seen in world history that banning abortion does incredible harm to the lives and welfare of women and their ability to participate fully in society.
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