Friday, October 13, 2017

MY CHALLENGE TO DONALD TRUMP: An Open letter from a resistance fighter.

Hello Donald.

We haven't personally met, so let me introduce myself. My name is Leia. I am a 31 year old high -functioning autistic from the midwest who has been paying close attention to what is going on in my country. I recently came upon your speech saying that you wish to possibly try to " revoke" the licenses from media stations who you deem to be fake so that they cannot continue to speak out against you. To the best of my knowledge, you have not threatened to pursue any actions beyond that. I am writing this blog post for two reasons. One is to confront you and the other is a request to other writers here and abroad.

My message to you is rather simple and can be summed up in one sentence, You are free to come and get me if you so desire. I do not feel intimidated by your threats against free speech and I am not afraid to stand up and speak out against  you or any other injustices I witness, no matter the consequences to my person. I value freedom enough to publicly take this stand and say that anything you plan to do to those whom you perceive as defying your leadership is worth the price in order to keep democracy alive. I am not the first person in history to have to make a proclamation such as this and sadly I will not be the last. But I consider it an honor to be in a situation where I can do so. 

My second message is to all other writers here and around the world. I urge you to join me in making a blogpost such as this stating that you too are willing to sacrifice anything in order to ensure that freedom abounds wherever you are. Join me in sending a clear message that attacks on our civil liberties will not be tolerated as long as we are around. I look forward to seeing responses to this and to reading the blogs from others. Until then, in the words of my namesake, General Leia Organa Solo ,MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU.