Monday, November 7, 2011

Doesn't speak for all impregnated rape victims

The title of the video is "Cristen Hemmins doesn't speak for all rape victims." When did Cristen ever say she did? And this woman you are feauturing isn't proposing to speak for all rape victims impregnated who have aborted?

" If rape is worthy of a capital punishment, well perhaps we can make a case for the father, the rapist being prosecuted."

Prosecuted? Or put to death? They are not the same.

" Many women who have become pregnant as a result of rape say that the abortion was just as traumatic to them as the rape itself."

And many don't. What is your point?

And now a rape survivor begins to speak.

" I was raped a month before I turned 18. And because of that rape I was so fearful and so shameful that I chose abortion."

I am sorry you were raped. But there are already problems with your first statement. You chose abortion because you were pregnant not because you were fearful. And the fact that you admit that you were fearful and unsure of your decision is testimant that you did not come to your decision to terminate after careful consideration. So of course you are going to have trouble adjusting. Anyone would.

"My rape was nothing compared to what I did to my child."

Once again, sorry to hear that. But once again you are coming from a position where you truly didn't want to abort and thought you had no other options. Your background is one of detesting abortion so to come from that background and then abort is going to cause problems. And you are very disingenuous to compare aborting a non sentient embryo to being the victim of rape. I don't buy it

" My rapist didn't kill me I'm standing here alive right now. I have 3 beautiful children at home and a husband who loves me.  But I chose to kill my child out of shame, out of guilt out of fear."

 I'm glad your rapist didn't kill you. Many do, whether it is during the rape, afterwards, or by driving their victims to kill themselves. Once again, no one should abort unless they are sure of their decision. You obviously weren't and that is why you suffered.

" Rape is no excuse for abortion. I want to say that."

Because you had a bad experience doesn't justify taking away choice from other victims.

"I'm the mother of a child that I aborted who  thank the LORD is in heaven."

I was waiting for a religious plug. This entire personhood amendment is about religion. It is not about saving babies. And if your baby is in heaven, why be sad about it?

" I pray for my rapist every day that he comes to know JESUS."

Glad to hear it. That is noble. I hope he comes to know JESUS too.

" I'm tired as a person who was raped and a person who had an abortion I am telling you right now I am tired of using rape as an excuse."

Excuse might not be the best choice of words here. More like reason. I don't think women are trying to make excuses. And instead of saying as a person who was raped and had an abortion, a more accurate description would be a person who was raped and aborted under duress without really wanting to.

" Who do we believe creates life? Did my rapist create the life that was inside of me? No. God almighty created that life."

Whether that is true or not has no bearing on secular law and you have no right to dictate that others must comply with such a belief. You are free to believe that. But you are not free to force others to follow it.

" Do doctors and nurses in petri dishes create life? No, JESUS CHRIST creates life."

Blatant scientific lie. We can OBSERVE the doctors mixing the sperm with the egg. We KNOW how to make it. JESUS has never once come down from heaven, put on a lab coat and gone to work.

" A baby still has to be able to sustain itself inside its mother's womb."

Exactly. And that is just one of many reasons why it is up to her to decide what happens to it.

" This lady is a good lady she protects both the mother and the child."

Women don't need "protected" from their own decision making. They need guidance and support in deciding what is best for THEM.

"But who was there to protect me?"

A better question would be to ask why was no one there to stop you from being raped in the first place. And if you were that unstable to not be able to make a sound decision regarding termination what makes you think you would have made a good mother?

" For years I lived in depression, I contemplated suicide, I attempted suicide. I spent years drinking to numb the pain. To numb the horrific nightmares. Was later diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder, not just because of the rape but because of the abortion."

Really? All of the symptoms you describe could just as easily be attributed to rape alone. And did the doctors actually SAY that your diagnoses was from the abortion also?

" I was done with my rape. I was trying to conceive how in the world did I choose to kill my child."

Not exactly sure how someone could be "done" with rape. And you have already stated how you did it. It was a decision made out of fear.

" Who was going to speak for me as an 18 year old girl who didn't have a family to support her?"

And the tale just gets more twisted. No WONDER you were messed up. To unwantedly go thru a post rape abortion as a teenager with no family support would mess anyone up. But that doesn't mean all women are in your situation. Your trauma comes from your background not the abortion itself.

" It not just about the babies. It's for the moms like me who think they are making a good decision and they're not."

You DIDN'T think you were making a good decision. You admit to that. And now you assume that every woman who aborts is going in with the mentality that you had.

" When you're in the moment you make decisions sometimes that arn't the wisest decisions."

That is why women should stop and truly think about what they are doing before they do it. No matter what decision they come to. But what about women who after careful deliberation decide to go ahead with the abortion? Are they still not making a wise decision.

" Rapists don't create children. GOD creates children."


" If we believe in the bible, the bible says speak up for those who can't defend themselves."

I wonder how many of the people in that room actively fight child sex slavery, abuse and other atrocities that are going on right now. I wonder how many of the people who are clapping to your story fight to stop rape culture. And rape victims couldn't defend themselves. That is why they became victims. And by supporting reproductive choice, we ARE speaking up for those who can't defend themselves.

More to come.